Sunday 26 February 2012

Death Notes...

I bought diz book when I was 19 years old coz tergoda ngan komik yg di beli, huhuhu.. Xdpt di nafikan betapa bernilainya buku ni coz bnyk bende ttg my life.. Kalau sesape terbace tulung bakar buku ni yaa, hahaha.. Buku ni sebenarnya ditulis oleh my alter ego atau di kenali sbg "Dark Roy" so mmg dark giler laa crita dlm buku ni.. Crita2 yg xpatot dibaca pun ade coz ade yg 18SG, hahaha... *LOL*

This book actually u ley bli kat memane kedai komik pom.. Not dat precious laa tp still it is to me... :D

Future Top Story...

Assalamualaikum & gud day to all of u.. *smiles*

Pe khabar? Sehat? Well, as always.. I'm always fine.. But before long, there is so much probs dat I can't handle but wif YOUR guidance & help, I managed to settled it, alhamdulillah.. *smiles again* Today juz bermalas-malasan d'rumah je, nothng special pom.. Petang semakin panas & bilik mandi semakin memanggil, wee~ 

Well, there is a special entry dat I wanna share wif all of yaa but not today lor, ehehhe.. Be patient yaa.. I write it soon & download lotsa cute pic for ur guys, ehehehe.. Most of my gfs at work knows it but as for u guys, huu.. Secret! As for now, let me lay low for a while (---> Eleh, lay low laa sngt! Skejap2 update FB, huh! :P


Ms Roy Yusof

Saturday 14 January 2012

a not-so-happy-story...

Assalamualaikum & gud evenin' to all of yaa.. Hee, do u missed me? Huu, I miss u too.. Harap2 d'ptg Sabtu ni, sume sehat2 & happy slalu.. Am not working today, cuti.. So ade laa bnyk masa nak design post today.. Oh yaa, before I forget.. Roy nak wish Happy New Year 2012!! Smoga tahun ni lebey baek dr tahun2 sebelumnya.. Hee~

Okay laa.. Today Roy sngt emo so ade story yg nak d'kongsi with all of you.. A not-so-happy ever ending story, as always...

The story starts with a guy who have stolen my heart...?! WTF!! No, no.. I do like him but...well...his a bit tall but..stolen my heart, no!! --> Blaa, blaa, blaa.. (complete denial).. Heck, I dun even know diz guy kot.. Bru kenal je bbpe minggu.. Klua pon sekali dua lebey cikit je (ni mmg so true).. But wat I do know is.. He has a LOVER & am juz chasing his shadows.. --> a complete moron.. (Yes, I am if u wanna say so..)

I xsangka ley suke kat dia.. I mean, hell.. Spe nak lelaki yg ade lover kan?! I xnak meruntuhkn hubungan yg dorang bina coz I know betapa sakit nyaa bile clash sbb org ketiga.. Kte akan rase, betapa bodoh & kekurangan yg ada kat kte menyebabkn dia cari laen, mmm.. Rase mcm the end of da world has come laa, completely lost! Buat kje, tunggang langgang.. Ade pesanan, xd'sampai kn smpi kene marah sbb lupa.. & etc.. Hancur laa hidup wat seketika, nak d'katakn laa.. (mmg pom...)

Kenal dia from a friend.. He added my account so we chat & texting a lot.. I dun think his handsome nway, hahaha.. Until 1 day, am supposed to go out wif a friend but he cancelled it at da last minute.. Dat makes me so pissed, I've deleted him from my life --> If u wanna try it on me, go on.. Dat friend of mine is a casanova nway.. He already have a pregnant wife but still fools around.. (I know wat ur thinkin' but no.. We're friend & he respected me)..

Okay, I was in da train.. Callin' my friends to hangout but none of em' available so I call him & he answered yes.. He pick me up @ KLCC & we went for movies, have a dinner together.. My 1st expression on him was, too matured like all my older friends.. Da way he talks make me silent, huu.. Dunno wat to say more laa.. His not dat handsome & more importantly, he has a LOVER.. So, okay.. Fine!! No worries.. WE juz friends & not more than dat (like I always said to myself & I never fails)

The more we meet, the more I like him.. The more we meet, the more eager I wanna stay close to him.. Am confused.. I do like him & he knew it but.. I told him dat I wanna keep a distance but.. Urmm.. Well.. I guess I can't keep my mind on him now.. And I cried when he said dat we gonna hang out on dat day but he overslept.. I cried so hard dat makes me realize dat am nothing to him coz WE are juz friend & not more than dat..  

I met his lover once & they look so cute together.. And as for me, I keep a silence.. Dunno how to act or say much more in front of em'.. Am afraid if his lover might said sumthing dat makes him mad or makin' me cried.. (Oh, yes.. I do cry on occasionally.. Havin' a physique like diz doesn't mean ur heart is a concrete!) She puts her picture on da dashboard, keep her shoes in da car.. Damn!! Am so jealous of her!! -->  Yet, at the end of days.. Tears is my bff, always...
Now, I think, I must kept my word to keep a distance from him.. And I think today is da start coz today I didn't text him.. Da last text I've send was yesterday @ 2336hrs & he didn't reply.. His last text was also yesterday @ 1606hrs.. Urmm.. I dun wanna think bout him but his image always reappeared in my mind, fcuk!! I hate dat!! (my eyes started welling up with tears now...) Am not suppose to like a guy wif a LOVER.. Am so weak!! Sob...sob..sob......

*after a peaceful 15mins*

I thnk dats all I wanna share wif u guys.. Hope u enjoy my stroy & plz dun be like me, pathetic kan? Hahaha --> gelak paksa.. Smoga hepi2 slalu & take care.. May Allah taala blessed u guys in anyway.. Wasalammm... :)